“Snakes and Ladders: A Performed Ethnography” by Tara Goldstein takes real, empirical data about
anti-homophobia education in Canadian high schools and presents it in such a way that the students who perform the play, are able to have a better understanding of the struggles that some students face just because they are gay. It also gives the students performing the play the opportunity to see the challenges that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or questioning (or queer) (LGBTQ) youth face when there is little or no support from the staff and peers at their school through taking on a role that they cannot relate to. This forces them to adapt to a new persona and to feel and experience things they aren’t normally used to, which could ultimately broaden their horizons and change their opinions of people. I see Goldstein’s “performed ethnography” as an example of critical pedagogy at work, but also as an example of creative pedagogy.